Paducah, KY Dentist | How Chocolate Affects the Health of Your Teeth

42003 Dentist

Did you know that chocolate might not be as bad for your teeth as people may have thought? You can now eat your favorite treat without feeling guilty. Studies have shown that there are benefits to eating chocolate, however, not all chocolate is created equal. It is important to note that these benefits apply to dark chocolate, not milk chocolate or white chocolate. Dark chocolate is rich in Fiber, Iron, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese and a few other minerals.

A 100-gram bar of dark chocolate with 70-85% cocoa contains:

  • 11 grams of fiber
  • 67% Iron
  • 58% Magnesium
  • 89% Copper
  • 98% Manganese
  • It also has plenty of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium

Here are more advantages to eating dark chocolate and how to maintain good oral health while doing so.

Chocolate and Your Teeth

Chocolate is a candy that dissolves quickly in your mouth, resulting in less time on your teeth. It does less damage than a chewy or sticky candy because the sugar doesn’t cling to your teeth as long.

Chocolate and Your Health

Cocoa and dark chocolate are also a powerful source of antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Many experts believe this damage is a factor in the development of blood vessel disease, cancer, and other conditions. The bioactive compounds in cocoa can improve blood flow in the arteries and cause a small but statistically significant decrease in blood pressure.

Chocolate Benefits

Eating chocolate can lower your risk for cardiovascular disease. A study also showed that the flavanols from cocoa can improve blood flow to the skin and protect it against sun-induced damage.

Remember to eat responsibly as too much sugary food can be harmful, regardless of the benefits. Eating dark chocolate and brushing your teeth after will reduce the negative effects of chocolate.

While you can indulge on your favorite chocolate treat occasionally, be sure to keep up with your oral hygiene routine. Brush at least twice each day for two minutes, and floss regularly.

To schedule your next visit to our office, please contact our team.

408 South 28th Street
Paducah, KY 42003
(270) 444-4041

Dentist in Paducah, KY | Post-Extraction Care: Dry Sockets

42003 Dentist

When a tooth is extracted, your blood cells clot over the site of the tooth to protect your bone, nerves, and tissue. However, some patients experience dry sockets, a condition where blood clotting does not occur. Here’s what you need to know about dry sockets after tooth extraction.

What are Dry Sockets?

Dry sockets are the result of your blood failing to clot, or when an existing clot is removed. They leave the area previously protected by your tooth exposed, which includes bone and nerves.  Symptoms often include significant pain and discomfort where your tooth was extracted. Pain often lasts beyond the first three days following your procedure. Further symptoms can include having a bad taste in your mouth, pain on the same side of your face as the extracted tooth site, and visible bone where the tooth was removed.

Who Is At Risk for Developing Dry Sockets?

In most cases of extraction, your mouth will heal normally. Dry sockets have been noted to occur at a higher rate in individuals who smoke, chew tobacco, practice poor oral hygiene methods, or suffer from an infection impacting the gums or teeth. Additionally, it is important that you follow all directions provided to you following extraction. Patients who fail to do so, and choose to do things such as drinking with a straw after treatment, have a higher risk for developing a dry socket.

Treating Dry Sockets

If you experience a dry socket, contact our team for an appointment. It is essential to keep the area clean to prevent infection. Removing debris is the first step to keeping the site clean. Additionally, our team may provide you with pain medication suggestions as well as gauze or medicated dressings to protect the site. Avoid touching the area before coming in to our office.

The direct cause of dry sockets is not widely understood. However, it is a temporary condition that can be managed and treated by taking the proper precautions. If you develop a dry socket following the extraction of a tooth, please contact our team. We will do our best to see you as soon as possible to ensure your mouth is able to heal properly.

For more information, contact our office today.

408 South 28th Street
Paducah, KY 42003
(270) 444-4041

Dentist in 42003 | 6 Harmful Habits That Affect Your Teeth

Dentist Paducah KY

	42003 DentistNearly everyone has at least one habit that they wish they could break. Did you know that some of them can affect your oral health? Here are a few common habits and tips for how to break them.

  1. Nail Biting

Why it’s harmful: Your dental health may suffer from nail biting by possibly chipping your teeth or impacting your tooth. You place pressure on your jaw when you leave it in a protruding position for long periods of time. You could also tear or damage your gums.

The solution: Some patients find it helpful to wear a mouth guard to deter form nail biting. Other ways to reduce nail biting include using therapy techniques, reducing stress, or applying bitter tasting nail polish.

  1. Brushing Too Hard

Why it’s harmful: It’s best to brush your teeth for two minutes at least twice a day. Make sure to not brush too hard since this can lead to damage to the teeth and gum irritation. When you brush too hard, you risk gum recession and not cleaning your teeth efficiently.

The solution: Instead of brushing hard, use a soft toothbrush and apply a proper pressure. Let your toothbrush bristles touch your gums at a 45 degree angle and reduce the force of your brush on your gums.

  1. Grinding and Clenching

Why it’s harmful: This can chip or crack your teeth as well as cause muscle tenderness and joint pain. You may also experience a painful sensation when chewing or inability to open your mouth wide.

The solution: Stay aware of your teeth grinding and clenching and use relaxation exercises to keep from doing both. A mouthguard can also help protect you from grinding your teeth while you sleep. This will reduce any tooth pain, or muscle soreness and give you a better sleep. Our dentist can provide recommendations for how to combat teeth grinding

  1. Chewing Ice Cubes

Why it’s harmful: Tooth enamel and ice are both crystals. When you push two crystals against each other, it can cause one to break. This may be the ice and sometimes it may be the tooth.

The solution: Try drinking beverages without ice or use a straw instead.

  1. Constant Snacking

Why it’s harmful: If your diet consists heavily of sugary foods and drinks, you are at a higher risk of forming cavities. The cavity-causing bacteria feast on leftover food and produces acid that attacks the outer shell of your teeth.

The solution: To reduce snacking, eat balanced meals so that you can feel fuller, longer. You should avoid sugary foods when snacking. If you are tempted to eat the occasional sugary snack, just make sure to drink a glass of water after to wash away the leftover food.

  1. Using Your Teeth as a Tool

Why it’s harmful: Using your teeth as a tool to hold items, open bottles, cut through thread, or other functions can put you at risk for chipped or broken teeth or jaw injuries.

The solution: Your teeth should never be used to hold or open items or to cut things when you don’t have scissors at your disposal. Look for your scissors or find someone that can give you a hand. Your mouth will thank you for it and you’ll be saving yourself from potentially costly and painful dental complications.

Contact our office to schedule your next dental appointment.

408 South 28th Street
Paducah, KY 42003
Office Phone: (270) 444-4041

Dentist in Paducah | 12 Reasons to See Your Dentist

Paducah KY Dentist

Dentist in 42003Don’t wait until you’re in pain to see your dentist! Most people make time to clean out the house, car, garage, or closets at least twice a year. Why not include your oral health on your “to do” list?

Schedule an Appointment Now!

Regular professional cleaning and examinations are essential to maintaining optimal oral health. These routine visits are your first line of defense against tooth decay, periodontal disease, oral cancers, and more. Early identification and treatment of any oral illness improves outcomes and allows for less-invasive treatment options. Don’t wait until it hurts!

Why Do We Avoid Going?

The HDI institute, in a study done with the American Dental Association, lists some of the main reasons we sometimes delay going to the dentist. Cost, low perceived need, time, and anxiety are the most common causes. However, if we allow these concerns to interfere with oral care, we may allow more serious issues to develop.

When Should We See the Dentist?

The ADA or American Dental Society recommends maintaining twice yearly visits for cleaning and examinations. In addition, they advise making an appointment for any of the following concerns:

  1. Pain in your mouth, teeth, or face
  2. Injury to your mouth, teeth, or face
  3. Conditions that can affect oral health, such as diabetes
  4. Pregnancy
  5. Jaw pain or stiffness
  6. Bleeding, swelling, or redness in your gums
  7. Recent dental treatment, such as fillings, crowns, implants, or root canal
  8. Pain or difficulty eating or drinking
  9. Chronic dry mouth
  10. Smoking or tobacco use
  11. Sores in your mouth that are not healing
  12. You have questions or concerns about your oral health or hygiene

Our team is here to help you achieve and maintain your best oral health. To schedule your next appointment, please contact our office.

408 South 28th Street
Paducah, KY 42003


Restorative Dentist Paducah | What to Expect: Dentures



Often times as we age, we start losing teeth due to gum disease or tooth decay. Along with many other dental abnormalities, tooth loss causes many of us to feel uncomfortable showing off our pearly whites. Dentures are a solution for those experiencing tooth loss so day-to-day actions can continue such as eating, talking and smiling confidently.
If you or a loved one are considering dentures, there are a few things to think about! Full and partial dentures are replacement teeth that sit on top of gum tissue. Our dentures are designed to look like natural gum tissue and stay in place because our denture bases are custom-fit for your gum tissue and jawbone ridge. Removable partial dentures are also a good option if you would like to stagger the removal procedures.
The Procedure
This procedure can be a process, but don’t let that make you nervous about receiving your new smile! Be ready to discuss the options at your next visit. This is a great time to ask Dr. Mangino and our staff any questions or concerns you have about the procedure including our sedation dentistry. Oftentimes we find that it helps patients relax when they get their questions answered ahead of time. Whether you have decided to get complete or partial removable dentures, we guarantee a relaxed and anxiety-free visit!
What to Expect
There are a few things you can expect after you take the big step to reclaiming your healthy smile. Following your procedure, you are likely to experience a loss of hunger and general soreness of the gums. Your dentures might feel strange at first, but this is normal! Naturally, you will have to practice chewing, swallowing and speaking in the first few weeks following your visit, but you will be back to normal in no time. Try to stick with softer foods at first and let us know if you experience any problems with your fit. Be sure to take your dentures out at night and maintain general oral health. We’ll check in with you to see how you are adjusting to your new dentures!

Dentist in Paducah | Periodontal Gum Disease: What You Need To Know

Periodontal Gum Disease is a serious disease. The good news is, Gum Disease is treatable and can usually be reversed with daily brushing and flossing, and regular deep cleanings performed by a dentist or dental hygienist. If you are experiencing any of the below symptoms, consider making an appointment with Dr. Mangino.

Periodontal Gum Disease Symptoms:

  • Bad Breath
  • Toothache
  • Bright Red Gums
  • Loose Teeth
  • Receding Gums
  • Tender Gums
  • Bone Loss

The dental deep cleaning process is the treatment for Periodontal Gum Disease. Dental deep cleanings differ from your regular dental cleanings. A regular dental cleaning focuses on cleaning above the gum line, while a dental deep cleaning focuses on both above and below the gum line to remove calculus, plaque, debris and bacteria.

If you have or think you have Periodontal Gum Disease, you should consider pursuing dental deep cleanings. If your periodontal gum disease is left untreated, it could eventually lead to bone loss and a series of other serious health problems. Periodontal Gum Disease has been linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory disease and certain types of cancer.

As we say at Mangino Dental, “Your mouth is a gateway to the rest of your body,” and you don’t want to leave your health to chance. If you have Periodontal Gum Disease, give Dr. Mangino a call, (270) 444-4041.

Dr. Michael Mangino | Is Safe Mercury Removal Right For You?

Mercury Removal at Mangino Dental:

The mercury in “silver” amalgam fillings has been a concern for many over the years. The International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology (IAOMT) recognizes the impact of toxic materials and has developed a process to safely remove all traces of mercury amalgam in the mouth in order to help improve whole body wellness and general health. Dr. Mangino at Mangino Dental has been trained and educated in the selection of more biocompatible dental materials, the effects of mercury amalgam and the proper procedures to safely remove mercury amalgam from old dental work. Dr. Mangino and his staff help patients make informed decisions and offer this solution to ease the worries of their patients by helping establish whole body wellness.

If you are concerned about the mercury amalgam within your old cavity fillings, crowns or bridges then fear no more. Dr. Mangino can safely and effectively remove mercury and restore your mouth’s health. During this process, we keep you comfortable and safe from the toxic by-products generated during the removal process by following the IAOMT protocol. The IAOMT has done extensive research to create a protection protocol to prevent you from ingesting or inhaling any of the mercury or mercury vapors while it is being removed.

If you want to achieve a greater overall health and well-being, mercury removal could be the option for you. The mercury in your dental fillings could be causing you more problems than you realize, not only for your dental health but for your overall health and wellness. After all, your mouth is gateway to the entire body.

If you’re considering mercury amalgam removal, give Mangino Dental a call. We want to help you achieve whole body wellness. Our number is (270) 444-4041.

Our Services

Restorative Dentist Paducah KY | Invisalign: The World’s Leader in Clear Aligner Systems

What is Invisalign

Invisalign is the leader in clear aligner systems. Using a series of custom-made, removable, plastic trays, the Invisalign system promises a smooth, comfortable, and virtually invisible teeth aligning experience. Little by little, Invisalign corrects your smile one tray at a time. Approximately every two weeks you will wear a new set of aligner trays until you have completed the process. With little to no interference with your daily routines, you can achieve a great smile.

Invisalign Vs. Braces

Braces may be able to effectively treat a wide variety of dental cases, including crowding, spacing, cross bite, overbite, and under bite as well as straighten your teeth. However, Invisalign, unlike braces, allows you to eat whatever food you like, lets you remove the device whenever you want, lets you enjoy virtually invisible teeth-straightening, lets you brush and floss your teeth normally for better overall dental health, consists of smooth, comfortable plastic instead of sharp metal that is more likely to irritate your cheeks and gums. An additional bonus is that the Invisalign clear trays are a virtually invisible solution so you can smile confidently vs. the traditional braces.

What We Offer

At Mangino Dental, we offer the Invisalign system to our patients. Dr. Mangino and staff are Invisalign trained. You can stop by the office to see if you are a candidate for Invisalign, learn more about the process, and how long it would take to get the smile you desire.

The choice is obvious for a straighter, healthier smile. Contact Mangino Dental today to set up a consultation (270) 444-4041.


Our Services

Paducah KY Dentist | Is Sedation Dentistry Right for You?

Fighting your fear of dentistry all begins with choosing the right kind of dental care. One option that is fast becoming a top choice for patients with a poor pain threshold is sedation dentistry. Millions of adults across America have admitted to feeling anxious about getting in the dentist’s chair, so there’s no need to be ashamed if the feeling is mutual. Whether you are hesitant to book that all-important dental appointment because you have sensitive gums and/or teeth, have dealt with a past traumatic experience or are perturbed at the thought of extended treatment sessions, it’s worth considering one of several types of sedation dentistry to instill a feeling of calm and relaxation.

Facts about Sedation Dentistry

Widely available, sedation can stop a person from feeling anxious about attending an oral check-up, thus allowing them to benefit from a healthy smile. Patients receiving sedation dentistry will have reduced memory of the procedure and increased comfort. This makes a huge difference in the case of invasive treatments, like root canal. Patient co-operation is increased when anxiety levels are lowered and this essentially saves time, which means fewer appointments! Widely available, sedation dentistry will affect movement control and gag reflex, which will essentially have an impact on treatment quality.

Main Types of Sedation Dentistry

To understand what type of sedation dentistry you will receive, booking a consultation with the dental professional is advisable. He or she will assess your oral health and determine your pain threshold, before deciphering between the following:

  • Local anesthesia – Medication will be injected into tissues in a specific area to eliminate sensation, but only temporarily.
  • Minimal sedation – The most frequently used, minimal sedation involves the use of oral medication. Typically, nitrous oxide will be combined with oral sedation and the patient will still be responsive to verbal commands. It is possible for the patient to drive home after receiving nitrous oxide gas.
  • Moderate sedation – Medication will be administered orally or intravenously (IV) to achieve this sedation dentistry, which ensures all bodily functions work as normal. No breathing assistance is required for moderate sedation.
  • Deep sedation – It will not be easy to wake patients who are deeply sedated, which is achieved by combining oral medication, injections and gases, such as “laughing gas”. Feeling drowsy after treatment is normal however, transport should be arranged.

The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

If you are someone who has a dental phobia, requires a lot of dental work or has claustrophobia, sedation dentistry could benefit you. These services are also suitable for individuals who have limitations because of social, physical or psychological reasons. Improved relaxation and comfort is guaranteed with the treatment, which can transform visits to the dentist from unpleasant to calming. A lot of time can be saved for patients that might otherwise necessitate numerous visits due to the fact the dentist will be able to accomplish more during a single visit when sedation dentistry is used. The more focused the dentist is, the better the overall treatment quality will be.

Our Services