Cosmetic Dentist in Paducah | Men’s Oral Health

Dentist Paducah

Men, dental examinations and treatment are important for you, too. Did you know according to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), by age 72 men lose an average of 5 teeth? That number jumps to 12 if you are also a smoker. Here’s what you need to know about keeping your mouth healthy. Follow these tips and you can beat the odds stacked against men and their oral health.

The Basics

Men are more likely than women to suffer from periodontal, or gum, disease. Men also have a higher risk of developing oral cancer and throat cancer, and men tend to lose more teeth than women. A poll conducted by the AGD found that 45% of men who responded felt there was no need for them to visit the dentist. This is a troubling statistic for a group more prone to oral health issues. A visit to our office can help us identify problems early.

Risk Factors

Certain medications can directly impact your teeth. Others can cause side effects such as dry mouth, which decreases saliva. Saliva is important in keeping your teeth’s enamel strong. Smoking or chewing tobacco, including smoking electronic cigarettes, have been linked to increasing your risk of developing oral cancer and other oral health issues. If you play sports, especially football or hockey, get fitted with a mouth guard to protect your teeth from extensive damage. You should avoid or limit energy drinks and sports drinks, as these contain acids and sugars that can lead to decay.

Periodontal Disease

Men are at a higher risk for developing periodontal, or gum, disease. Periodontal disease is caused by a buildup of hardened plaque on teeth and gums. This buildup, known as tartar, can inflame your gums. Studies have linked periodontal disease to increasing your risk for strokes, heart attacks, diabetic complications, and more. If your gums are red, bloodied, or sore, you should make an appointment to see us. Our experienced, professional dental team will assess your gum health and work to find a treatment for you.

Take These Steps at Home

A visit to our office will provide you with a complete dental examination and cleaning, but you should also practice good oral hygiene each day at home. This starts by brushing your teeth twice each day, for two minutes each time. When you brush, use an appropriate toothpaste. Ask our team if you are not sure what kind of toothpaste is best for you. Make sure you are also using dental floss. Taking care of your teeth at home will make your next visit to see us easier.

Men, your teeth are important so take good care of them. Practice good brushing and flossing habits at home. Reduce your risk of developing decay and oral disease by cutting back on sugary or acidic drinks, avoiding tobacco and smoking, and keeping our office up to date on any medications you are using. Get into the habit of coming to our office regularly, your smile depends on it.

For more tips on keeping your mouth healthy or to schedule your next dental examination, please contact our office.

Mangino Dental of Paducah
408 South 28th Street, Paducah, KY 42003
(270) 444-4041

Dentist 42003 | Casting Shade: Whitening Teeth at Home May Not Get You the Results You Want

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Have you ever tried whitening your teeth at home? At first, it may seem more affordable and convenient than visiting your cosmetic dentist, and the difference in results may not seem that significant. In a study conducted by Kelton Research, researchers found that 61 percent of study participants were viewed as more confident after their teeth had been whitened. With numbers backing up the importance of a bright smile, we have a few key factors for your consideration before you decide to use at-home whitening kits.

Cost vs. Benefit

When you use over-the-counter whitening products, such as strips, you’ll notice that your teeth are whitened by a few shades at best, since these at-home kits typically contain only around three percent hydrogen peroxide as a main ingredient. The professional solutions that cosmetic dentists use, however, contain approximately 35 percent hydrogen peroxide—whitening your smile up to eight shades in just one visit. So, while at-home treatment options might seem more cost effective at the beginning, you will need to keep using the product over again to achieve the desired results. We can help you whiten and brighten your smile in one visit.

The Convenience Factor

At-home whitening systems are often purchased for convenience and ease of use. You can purchase them at almost any retail store and use them in the privacy of your own home, but most—including mouth trays with gel—need to be applied twice per day for several weeks or months to be effective. Professional treatments will require just a few visits that will last under an hour. While the strips and mouth trays may seem more convenient at first, you will ultimately spend less time achieving more desirable results when you visit our practice.

Quality Control

At-home systems purchased at a drugstore typically come with “one-size-fits-all” strips or trays, with one strength meant for all types of teeth. This can lead to uneven application of product, creating varied results among your teeth. One tooth may be lightened significantly, while another is barely different. With every person’s teeth, and preferences, being unique, we apply the product evenly to all your teeth, ensuring consistent results for a brighter smile. Professional whitening provides the most consistent, tailored, and long-lasting results, and since your smile is one of a kind, why should your whitening treatment plan be any different?

If you are considering the benefits of a brighter smile, contact us to learn more about our options for professional teeth whitening.

Mangino Dental of Paducah
408 South 28th Street, Paducah, KY 42003
(270) 444-4041

Invisalign in Paducah | Daily Flossing

We’ve all been told at least once in our life that flossing daily is crucial. Here are four reasons why flossing may be beneficial for your oral health routine:

  • Preventative care. Food and bacteria buildup between your teeth is unavoidable. Over time, these bacterial colonies lead to tooth decay and the destruction of your dental health. Flossing helps remove food and bacteria from areas that your toothbrush can’t reach.
  • Helps prevent gingivitis and gum disease. Your teeth aren’t the only part of your mouth that needs attention. Many people take care of their teeth but ignore their gums. Researchers at the New York University College of Dentistry explain that that people who floss regularly experience much lower instances of periodontal pathogens, gum bleeding, and decay-causing bacteria in contrast with people who do not floss.
  • Protects your smile. Flossing does more than just prevent cavities—it also preserves the bones that support your teeth. By preserving the height of that bony structure as well as a healthy smile, you’re maintaining a healthy and youthful appearance that will benefit you for years to come.
  • Gives you better overall health. Gum disease doesn’t just affect your mouth and jaw. It has also been linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and even respiratory diseases. Flossing daily is more than just an optimal habit—it can help keep you healthy as you age.

We are pleased to offer a variety of oral health solutions to keep your smile healthy. We are also able to customize a health plan tailored to your specific needs. Book your appointment with our dental team today.

Paducah Invisalign Dentist | 4 Tips for Healthy, White Teeth

Dentist in Paducah

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you. One way to make a lasting impression is to have a healthy-looking smile. Over the years, teeth whitening has become immensely popular. People turn to in-office whitening, over-the-counter whitening, and home-made whitening techniques. Did you know that there are ways to keep your smile white with just small changes to your daily routine? Read the tips below to keep your smile looking pearly white.

  1. Brush and Floss

To keep your mouth clean, healthy, and stain-free, brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. Brush your teeth after drinking coffee, tea, soda, or red wine to help fight discoloration.

  1. Diet

Some of the food and drinks you are consuming may cause your teeth to look dull or stained. Wine, coffee, tea, soft drinks, and berries all contain substances that stain teeth. Chromogens are molecules found in all of these items that stick to the enamel of your teeth causing a dull look.

  1. Quit Smoking

Smoking is not only bad for your heart and lungs, it is also bad for your mouth and teeth. Smoking causes tooth discoloration, increased plaque buildup, gum disease and more.

  1. Visit Your Dentist

Dental cleanings and exams are an important part in keeping your teeth healthy and bright. You may need frequently follow up visits based on your oral health care. Don’t forget to schedule an appointment twice a year.

Even if you do use in-office whitening or over-the-counter products, your teeth need extra care to keep up with the initial results. By flossing, lifestyle changes, and regular dental visits your teeth will be looking bright.

Call our office to schedule your dental cleaning today.

Paducah KY Dentist | Is Sedation Dentistry Right for You?

Fighting your fear of dentistry all begins with choosing the right kind of dental care. One option that is fast becoming a top choice for patients with a poor pain threshold is sedation dentistry. Millions of adults across America have admitted to feeling anxious about getting in the dentist’s chair, so there’s no need to be ashamed if the feeling is mutual. Whether you are hesitant to book that all-important dental appointment because you have sensitive gums and/or teeth, have dealt with a past traumatic experience or are perturbed at the thought of extended treatment sessions, it’s worth considering one of several types of sedation dentistry to instill a feeling of calm and relaxation.

Facts about Sedation Dentistry

Widely available, sedation can stop a person from feeling anxious about attending an oral check-up, thus allowing them to benefit from a healthy smile. Patients receiving sedation dentistry will have reduced memory of the procedure and increased comfort. This makes a huge difference in the case of invasive treatments, like root canal. Patient co-operation is increased when anxiety levels are lowered and this essentially saves time, which means fewer appointments! Widely available, sedation dentistry will affect movement control and gag reflex, which will essentially have an impact on treatment quality.

Main Types of Sedation Dentistry

To understand what type of sedation dentistry you will receive, booking a consultation with the dental professional is advisable. He or she will assess your oral health and determine your pain threshold, before deciphering between the following:

  • Local anesthesia – Medication will be injected into tissues in a specific area to eliminate sensation, but only temporarily.
  • Minimal sedation – The most frequently used, minimal sedation involves the use of oral medication. Typically, nitrous oxide will be combined with oral sedation and the patient will still be responsive to verbal commands. It is possible for the patient to drive home after receiving nitrous oxide gas.
  • Moderate sedation – Medication will be administered orally or intravenously (IV) to achieve this sedation dentistry, which ensures all bodily functions work as normal. No breathing assistance is required for moderate sedation.
  • Deep sedation – It will not be easy to wake patients who are deeply sedated, which is achieved by combining oral medication, injections and gases, such as “laughing gas”. Feeling drowsy after treatment is normal however, transport should be arranged.

The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

If you are someone who has a dental phobia, requires a lot of dental work or has claustrophobia, sedation dentistry could benefit you. These services are also suitable for individuals who have limitations because of social, physical or psychological reasons. Improved relaxation and comfort is guaranteed with the treatment, which can transform visits to the dentist from unpleasant to calming. A lot of time can be saved for patients that might otherwise necessitate numerous visits due to the fact the dentist will be able to accomplish more during a single visit when sedation dentistry is used. The more focused the dentist is, the better the overall treatment quality will be.

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